
SourceForge project page
If your favourite browser can't be remote controlled, you can still use jBoom as an applet. To start it, enter it's URL (the installer told you which one) in the browser. Create a normal browser bookmark for this URL.

During the installation you determined whether the applet should appear in a small separate browser window (looks better, but requires JavaScript), or in a normal browser window (or tab). In any case, special browser settings are required:

Separate window
  • Java and JavaScript are activated.
  • JavaScript is allowed to open new windows.
  • An activated popup blocker allows popups for this Applet.
  • A URL is opened in a new window, not in the present one, also not in a new tab in the present one.

Normal browser window
  • Java is activated (JavaScript is not needed).
  • A URL is opened in a new tab or new window.
An unavoidable drawback of the applet is that new tabs or windows open frequently, and existing ones have to be closed manually.