
SourceForge project page
The bookmark tree
Screenshot In the tree folder denotes a folder and Lesezeichen a bookmark. One entry (bookmark or folder) is selected (highlighted) at any time. The selection may be changed by mouse or keyboard. Actions triggered by the user normally apply to all selected entries.

If exactly one entry is selected, and this entry contains a non-empty comment, the comment is shown in a small additional window below the tree.

To trigger an action, either the symbols in the toolbar (on top of the main window) or the context menu can be used. The latter is opened by right-clicking into a tree entry. All important functions may also be called using the keyboard.

Expanding and collapsing

A single left click on the toggle symbol or a double click on the folder symbol lets the folder expand or collapse.
Expand the folder with the → key and collapse it with ← .


Most actions are performed on one or more selected tree entries. Some operations demand that only one entry is selected (e.g., "edit"); others, such as "cut" or "copy", can handle several entries at the same time. If an action operates on a folder, either the folder itself or one or more bookmarks within that folder may be selected.
A single click on a folder or bookmark selects the entry. To select a continous region, first click on the the beginning of the region, and then, with the shift key ⇧ held down, on the end. Use ctrl-click to toggle the state of a single entry. Ctrl-a selects all entries within the current folder.
The selection can be moved with the cursor keys ↑ and ↓. With the shift key ⇧ held down, only the end of the selected region moves (corresponds to ⇧-click). "Pos1" selects the first, "End" the last entry of the bookmark tree.

Showing a page

A double click on a bookmark causes the browser load the corresponding page.
The enter key ↵ causes the browser load the page addressed by the first selected bookmark.
